Collection of Webinars
$20.00 / month
In this robust subscription, users will gain access to a growing collection of webinars originally presented by The Center for Guided Montessori Studies. Over 40 webinars, and over 80 hours of video content, span topics from Infant-Toddler through working with people of advanced age.
Specific titles include:
- Best Practices in Teaching and Reaching with Remote Learning with Christine Lowry, M.Ed.
- Building a Theater Program: The Hero’s Journey and More with Adam Darlage
- Caregiving is the Curriculum with Skye Dodson
- Creating Montessori Material Kits for Distance Learning with Alison Plihal
- Creating Weekly Activity Plans with Natalie Carver
- Fall Scenarios: Approaches to Distance Learning in Montessori with Jorge Haro
- From Peace to Equity with Sarah Stephens
- Get Connected with Shelby Hiken
- Gifts of a Grateful Heart with Jonathan Wolff and Kitty Bravo
- Infants and Toddlers in the Time of Covid with Kathy Leitch and Terri Sherril
- Interrelating Art in the Montessori Classroom with Lisa Goldfarb
- It’s Time to Check Some Monte-assumptions with Jonathan Wolff
- Language Arts, Tried and True with Cathie Perolman
- Making History Come Alive with Ann Winkler
- Meeting Expectations in a Cosmic Ed-focused Classroom with Claudia Mann
- Montessori for Dementia–Providing Respectful Elder Care with Jana Herman
- Montessori Secondary Bootcamp: Getting Ready for a New Year with Jocelyn Bell Swanson
- Nomenclature: Something for Everyone in the 3-6 Classroom with Cathie Perolman
- Poetry in the Language-rich Classroom with Julie Cash
- Practical Life in a Pandemic with Natalie Carver-McNeil
- Practical Tips for Positive Redirection with Liane Watson
- Preparing for Standardized Tests with Angela Minahan
- Preparing Your Environment for Success with Jorge Haro
- Sacred Geometry with Greg Hicks
- Screens and Shelves: The Website as the Prepared Environment with Bill Alsdurf Jr., M.Ed.
- Set up, Organize and Revamp Your Montessori Elementary Curriculum with Jackie Grundberg
- Starting the School Year with Jonathan Wolff
- Structures in Adolescent Classroom with Jocelyn Swanson
- Supporting Sensory Needs with Holli Andrews
- Teach with Spirit with Janice Fletcher, Ed.D.
- The Great Leap from Childhood to Adolescence with Jocelyn Bell Swanson
- The Teacher’s Toolbox with Ann Winkler and Martha Zimmerman
- The Trauma of Covid, 2-part Webinar with Christine Lowery, M.Ed.
- Unboxing the Math Materials with Jorge Haro
- Using and Developing Your Google Classroom with Kim Delaney
- Using Google Slides to Make Online Montessori Manipulatives with Anne Moberg
- Using Zoom and Creating Collaboration with Alison Pilhal
- Using Zoom and Google Classroom for E-learning and Building Community with Greg Hicks
- What the Hand Does, the Mind Remembers with Bill Alsdurf, Jr.
- Writing from the Heart with Julie Cash
- Advanced Practical Life for the 6-12 Classroom with Lisa Goldfarb
Subscribers receive:
- Access to over 40 1- and 2-part webinars presented by The Center for Guided Montessori Studies
- Over 80 hours of video content
- Associated downloadable content
Topics include:
- Infant/ Toddler topics
- Peace and Equity
- Remote learning and digital resources
- Practical Life topics
- Positive Redirection
- Standardized Tests
- Cosmic Education
- Working with Secondary Students
- Mathematics topics
- Elementary topics
- Language topics
Presenters include: