Free gift for Nutrition subscribers

Subscribers to Jan Katzen’s subscription Specializing in Children’s Food at Home and School will receive a complimentary summer recipe book, which includes the first recipe, below.  Subscribers, please contact us to request your recipe book today!  Offer lasts through August 15.

Popsicle Smoothies

Made with vitamins, minerals and fiber for thinking, learning, growing, playing and working.  Try the basic recipe and customize it to your taste.  Use a store bought popsicle mold or do it yourself with paper cups or ice cube trays.


1 cup of milk

1 small banana

½ cup fresh or frozen fruit

½ cup fresh or frozen vegetables

Add 2-3 of the following for added flavor, nutrition, and to promote good elimination:

1-2 tsp chia or ground flax seeds

1 tsp coconut oil

1-2 tbsp nut/seed butter

2-3 tbsp avocado

1-2 tsp cocoa     

1-2 tsp honey

1-2 tbsp cooked rolled oats

1 soft scrambled free-range egg

½ cup Greek yogurt 

Also try:

  • Chocolate banana or blueberry: cocoa, nut/seed butter, ½ cup blueberries, banana, milk, spinach
  • Digestive peach or cinnamon apple: unsweetened Kefir, peaches or apples, honey, cooked sweet potato, 2 shakes of cinnamon
  • Brain boosting beet: beets, avocado, cherries, milk, maple syrup

Learn more about nutrient deficiencies, triggers that impede learning and best nutritional practice for optimal mental and physical health in her online course, Nutrition for Learning Intensive, presented by The Center for Guided Montessori Studies.